Monday, June 16, 2008

Stan Winston R.I.P.

I'm sure most of you have heard the news by now. How do we show appreciation for someone who could make our imaginations a reality with a seam to be seen? I still ponder this question years after Henson had died. That was the first and only time I cried over a celebrity death. The effect he had on me was tremendous. Stan's death has been the closest to come to that for me.

Remember the first time you saw an alien and almost pissed yourself while living the rest of the week afraid of the dark? How about pumpkinhead? I know that gave me nightmares because it looked like something that could realistically walk out of the woods, not an obvious puppet like many other horror movies of the time. Then I know we all love terminator and predator. For me the pinnacle of his craft was shown in Jurassic park. For the first time ever we all could believe dinosaurs were alive.

There are just so many movies he's touched, many of which we never knew we were watching. He was also very forward thinking and never a defeatist. Numerous times when asked about CGI taking over practical special effects he logically said what it was,a new tool. He embraced computers and melded them in with practical effects.

Aside from this special effects master we must also remember he was a tremendously gifted painter, drawer and sculptor.

There isn't anyone like him to take his place. He'll be missed.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Check Mate

Filmed back in 2005 this was the quickest film we have ever done. After the director was woken up in the wee hours of the morning and then yelled at angrily we got to work. From script to final edit the project took us 6 hours. We had also bought the gun from a department store and after everything was said and done we returned it resulting in an investment of zero dollars. Not only do we try to refine our processes in the amount of time we use but we also look to low to no budget alternatives creatively. Yeah, we think we could make a 100 million dollar movie for a half to a third of the cost. People in Big money tend to take creativity for granted.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Le Parkour (or Par Core)

This is test footage done with a Parkour enthusiast named Liam. As you can see is not afraid to take those risks on dangerous moves such as the picnic table ollie or the park bench aerial.

The pieces of test footage have been assembled for your enjoyment. Remember kids, Liam is not a pro and as much as it looks like fun he did hurt his ankles and his butt. The price to pay to enjoy what all the kids are doing now days.

a recreational pursuit in which participants traverse urban structures by running, jumping, vaulting, rolling, etc.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

A Feel Good kind of Workout

Mr. FeelGood enjoys staying fit. See the secret to his awesome physique.

This is the second in the Mr.FeelGood series.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

A Feel Good kind of Day

From the mind of Long Road's loose cannon comes the first in a series of short films featuring Mr. Feelgood (Aaron VanZile). A man whose smile is brought on by the not so obvious. Recently conceived and directed by William Fish. Look for future episodes of this series coming soon!


When two neighbors find themselves returning home from work at the same time one of them doesn't like the other being in such a good mood and a fight breaks out. Unfortunately neither neighbor knows how to fight. Inspired by the story of two French bicyclist fighting lamely this film was conceived and completed in a day back in 2005. Starring Aaron VanZile (Mr. Feelgood series) and William Fish (Chronic of the Dead, Mr. Feelgood series, Shrink Wrapped) this short film has quickly become a favorite among our peers.